Friday, September 12, 2014

Real Cherries in a Delicious Gluten Free Snack Bar

Betty Lou's Gluten Free Fruit Bars

Have I got a great tasting snack option for you gluten free friends out there today!  Whether you are eating gluten free out of choice or because of an intolerance issue, this is one satisfying snack option for my fellow cherry lovers.  In this country, cherry season ended not to long ago, but now Betty Lou's GF Cherry Fruit Bars make it possible to extend the season all year.

 They are a soft chew, fruit - filled bar, with a taste that reminds you of  cobbler.  The bar is a full blast of cherry flavor without being super sweet - because their sugar comes from fruit juice and natural fruit.  They are easy to carry in a purse, pocket, or lunch pail - not messy or dry.

And the best part is, they also come in blueberry, strawberry, apricot and apple cinnamon flavors. We have also eaten and enjoyed the blueberry and apple cinnamon, which are as delicious as the cherry.  One other important fact about Betty Lou's GF Fruit Bars is that they, and I quote from their allergy statement:

"Do(es) not contain any of the 8 major food allergens identified by the FDA."  

Just so you know, I am NOT, nor is anyone in my family affiliated with Betty Lou's and we are NOT receiving any money from anyone for this review.

I share this with you because we like these GF fruit bars and buy them by the box and store them in our fridge for a snack or a treat while running errands or on road trips.  They are great tasting, convenient, and good for you too!  I know they are available for purchase at Sprout's Markets and available online at Betty Lou's and at Amazon.  I hope you will give them a try and enjoy them as much as we do.  HSH